Sunday, July 30, 2006

Super Isaac

Here is a picture of Isaac taken tonight in his new outfit. We have probably 5000 pictures that we still have to transfer over to the new computer, its a slow process...hmmm

- Will

Saturday, July 29, 2006

First Entry

Hello everyone!
Seeing that Isaac is growing at a breakneck pace, and Jeanne is taking pictures faster than they can be developed, I decided to set up a blog so we can keep everyone updated with news and pictures.
Things just happen so fast around here, we hardly have time to keep caught up ourselves. So, for anyone that is behind the times....

1) Jeanne and Will got married on Aug. 14, 2004. Jeanne is a MDiv grad at Newman Theological College. When WIll is asked about his formal education, he usually says something stupid like "I have a degree in life experiece," or drivel like that. Actually, WIll is working quite hard to finish up his degree in social work.

2) Isaac was born on Sept. 12, 2005. He kind of steals the show now, but no one seems to mind. He doesn't work much, and even if his cuteness could generate an income, Jeanne has absolutely forbade any attempts of taking him in to the modelling agency. Isaac does not have any formal education, as his only vocabulary at this point is "Da da da da ma ma ba ba baaad daaad."

3) Will is currently employed at Lurana Shelter, in Edmonton as a family support worker and volunteer coordinator. Lurana helps women and children fleeing domestic violence.

4) Jeanne just got hired at Lurana as the new Administrative Assistant. She gets to be the one who tells Will to stop playing computer games at work. Jeanne starts in August.

That is the pared down coles notes version of the last two years...
I'll work on getting some pictures up tomorrow.

